Tag Archives: fitness

Thankyou and a Request For Everyone With an Eating Disorder

I’ll start this post with a huge thank-you for all of my blog followers!

I know it is not a huge amount, it is likely very average but I am unsure about what “normal” is here on WordPress as a newbie.

But, and it’s time to get soppy, I want to thank you for just being you. For fighting your daily fight, EVERY SINGLE DAY and surviving and thriving and living.

It means so much to me to have you read my blog, to know I am worth listening to for one as all of my very being tells me I am not, and that I am getting my messages across. Thank you.


And the latter half of this short post, is a request. I am at the end of my tether (particularly with one particular girl who genuinely fakes having an eating disorder, which in itself is pretty disordered but certainly not in the way she claims…) *and breathhhhhe*. So I want to write a post about the realities of eating disorders.

It is going to be far too difficult to write alone: I mean, I began, but got panicky within much less than half an hour and felt it was too taxing on my distressed and majorly struggling self to carry on.

So I’m putting out a request to anyone with an eating disorder, diagnosed or not, or even if you know someone who has one, or know about them (in detail). EDNOS, Anorexia, Bulimia. Any number of subtypes (eww, number. That is all my brain is made up of.)

Please comment on this post, or send me an email at deni.is.gaga@gmail.com

Any little thing is welcomed greatly, just one statement like, for me,

In this relapse, I have started to lose control of my bladder and I pee myself.


If you feel strong enough to write more, tell me any of your story, daily routines or thoughts or compulsions, I will really appreciate it. I can also post it anonymously for you?

