Tag Archives: binge eating disorder

You Don’t Have to Look Like an Eating Disorder

This video is so so poignant and really does need to be seen by so many more people.

It is less than 3 minutes long yet it speaks VOLUMES about how painful it can be to make thoughtless remarks like this. Tears welled in my eyes as I saw the first speaker, a beautiful young woman, crying as she speaks about her battle with the unseen Bulimia Nervosa.


“There’s a pretty gendered nature to it,” one man responds. “It feels even more shameful. I just feel like weak and embarrassed, like ‘This is something you should figure out on your own.'”


Please, know and remember that eating disorders do not discriminate. They can affect anyone of any gender, age, size or shape. Please take time to watch this video and share it because this naivety needs to be stopped and can only be done so by raising awareness.